Why Every Web Developer or Designer Needs a VPN Service
VPN Service

Web design and development is an area that supports the large-scale expansion of the Internet. It is estimated that more than 300 new websites are launched every minute. This number illustrates the various platforms placed on the World Wide Web from all over the world. Web designers and developers deal with some extremely sensitive information about themselves and their customers. In view of this, they are vulnerable to some serious cyber crime threats.
VPN provides strong and easy protection for consumers. It also provides peace of mind, especially among people who use sensitive data. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits VPNs provide for web designers and developers. The benefits of VPNs for web developers and designers VPN or virtual private network is a tool for masking IP addresses, filling the biggest gap in the network connection protocols available today.
This is the method of operation for web developers and designers:
Protect one’s own assets :
If hackers or cyber criminals can find the user’s IP address, they can easily use it to plant malware or hack into related devices. For web developers, this is a huge risk, because they have many intellectual property rights, including custom designs, frameworks, applications, and other resources, which can be harmful in the wrong hands. It can damage the integrity of the application being built and give competitors a competitive advantage.
VPN provides the latest encryption protocol to prevent this situation. Protect customer data Depending on the website the developers are using, they can access a large amount of customer data, and if it is ultimately lost to the incorrect person, it may cause catastrophic consequences. If developers are not cautious about network security, they may damage patent information, schematics, financial information, and more.
- Testing websites from other countries
Websites have to be designed and tested to work efficiently in different countries. There are some websites and applications that may have to be developed in different languages for various countries. This is another area where VPNs are effective. All the developer has to do is connect to the server in the region from where they want to test the website. With secure features, the developer can easily verify the functionality and features of the website from anywhere in the world.
- Use public Wi-Fi without any issues
Public Wi-Fis are hub for cyber criminal activities these days. This is because anyone can easily access the network connection and once on there, other people connected to the same network and their data traffic as well as devices become easy targets. As a web developer this can be a challenge if they are working on public Wi-fi connections because a lot of sensitive data can come under risk. VPNs offer robust protection for public Wi-fi networks and secure user devices to a great extent.
- Remove region locks
Regional locks often get in the way of accessing essential tools for web development. A remote worker in another region, for example, may not be able to access new technology videos from Youtube, or an internet tool that is used as an integral part of the workflow. These people can use VPNs to set their location as if they are in the web development business’s home country. When they do this, they can reach this content easily without any obstacles getting in their way.
These are just a few main benefits that a VPN may offer to the web developer or designer. VPNs can also be used to research competitors, improve online privacy, prevent data from being leaked through hacks or other cyber crime activities etc.
Features to look for in a good VPN for web development
VPN usage has grown significantly in the last few years with more than a quarter of all internet users having installed the service on their various devices. This growth in demand has led to hundreds of services flooding the online marketplace. However, not all of these offer the level of services that are necessary for a web developer. Here are a few elements that have to be top-notch in the service that a web developer uses:
1. Speed and performance
Although the internet in general is all about speed, this factor becomes even more crucial when we talk about web developers. They have to design, code and test websites as well as the load times that they will offer to consumers. The VPN they use has to offer fast and consistent speeds on almost all servers because otherwise, normal workflows can be obstructed.
2. Unlimited bandwidth
Internet service providers and free VPNs have several limitations on the amount of bandwidth that a particular use can work with. In web development there are huge caches of data that need to be uploaded, stored and transmitted. Without unlimited bandwidth it is difficult to work hassle-free so this becomes an essential feature in the whole equation.
3. Support for a wide range of devices
Next comes support for a wide variety of platforms. Today, internet usage is shifting from conventional mediums like laptops and computers to mobile phones and other devices. It is therefore imperative for websites and applications to be tested and optimized for all these platforms and a VPN that offers extensive support for different platforms goes a long way in helping to achieve this.
4. Servers
Last but not the least are the number of servers and how evenly they are spread across different countries in the world. This helps in testing and making sure that applications and other digital platforms are working well.
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