How to Create a Website provide Drag and Drop service for App Building?
Website provide Drag and Drop service

Here we are describing about how to create a website similar to a or that provide drag and drop functions to create mobile apps without coding skills.
This post is very useful for someone who want to own a website or a business that provide service of “online app maker without coding skills”. During this Covid-19 time most of the peoples around the world looking to start some online business or invest in online earnings. And this will be a good choice for someone to invest few amount and earn money life time without coding skills.
Here we are telling about a CMS Software that help to create Mobile apps without coding (drag and drop). Siberian CMS is is a complete app builder platform that you can install on your own server. It allows you to start your business online with your own app platform being completely independent.
Siberian CMS Platform Edition Cost is one time price at 599€, you only pay once, and you get the complete software. Nothing pay more. If you choose the monthly price at 149€ per month, you pay a subscription of 149€ per month with the server hosting included, and nothing to more pay. Many of you are asking if there is a price per app: no cost per app! You can use it without any limit. Means unlimited Android and IOS apps can create.
Start a mobile app business online by just generate traffic to your platform and let the users self-register, create their apps and pay for them on your platform. From your back-end dashboard you manage users, clients, invoices, business model and subscriptions.
There is no coding skill or developer skill required to run this online business. There is no hidden fee or subscription fee in future. Only Expense is coming, your domain renewal (Where the software is hosted) and Hosting Server renewal. Both of them coming around 100$ to 200$ USD only on yearly. Another benefit is users can create Android and IOS apps at time.
Website provide Drag and Drop service
Siberian CMS is a solution on which they work full-time and thus they send free updates, new features and improvements on a regular period of time. The users can create there own account themselves on the platform and can start build their apps immediately.
To sum up, it works like on most online app platforms, users arrive on your website, click on the “create an account” button (or another label of your choice), create their account and then can build their apps. Depending on the business model you have chosen they pay subscription fees to get their apps live.
The positive part of Siberian CMS is you can create your own business model or price model for users apps. Also from back-end dashboard you can manage your users, your clients, what they have bought, their invoices, you business models, etc. Only two Payment Gateways are integrated now. Paypal and 2Chekout are integrated, and they are creating new modules for major gateways. And since you get the source code of the platform you can plug your own payment solution.
Siberian Open-Source Edition is the only solution which is strictly open-source and under OSL license, meaning that it can be, among other things, distributed and modified freely. Siberian CMS is not providing a front-end website for your marketing presentation is not provided with the software. Most of there clients create a front-end website with WordPress and a pre made template on their main domain, and create some buttons like “create your apps”, and/or “signin/signup” to redirect their users/clients to their Platform installed on a subdomain like apps.maindomain for example.
Example for Siberian CMS Software using website/business is and the back-end software installed domain is
Website provide Drag and Drop service | Website provide Drag and Drop service | Website provide Drag and Drop service
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