English – Daily



It seems to be a day full of contemplations for you today! You may want to make a shift from current housing locality or from your current job even. Do not be in doldrums; it is worth going in for a change. You may receive some help from an unexpected piece of communication from some one who has been wishing well for you secretly!

Just in time for a fantastic week, your energy is aiming you toward someone new who is just as reliable, hard-working and truthful as you — and they’re hot, too! Does this mean it’s time for serious fun? It does, of course, but you may find it hard to say goodnight. Grab some coffee, sit down at wherever is handy, and tell each other all about your respective histories. It’s all perfectly natural.


This is the best time to cut out the deadwood in your life. You have been sticking to a position which you no longer enjoy out of a sense of obligation or out of helplessness. You were finding it difficult to get out of this situation, but today you will be able to find the inner courage to take that final step. You will also be helped by some event in this.

Just in time for a fantastic week, your energy is aiming you toward someone new who is just as reliable, hard-working and truthful as you — and they’re hot, too! Does this mean it’s time for serious fun? It does, of course, but you may find it hard to say goodnight. Grab some coffee, sit down at wherever is handy, and tell each other all about your respective histories. It’s all perfectly natural.


You are going to receive some unexpected good news. It may be related to your career or personal life, but it will result in financial gain for you. It will also show you the path to future gains of the similar types. You are going to be in an upbeat mood and will infect everyone around you with optimism and happiness. Enjoy the time with friends and family.

It’s a great day! You have all the good energy you need to get your work done fairly early — and just as you’re cooling off after work and getting ready for fun, a burst of even better energy should arrive, ready to give you a great second wind — and possibly some interesting people from far away to help you play. It’s all for the best, so have a great time!


In general you are very clearheaded. But today, your ability to think logically will be hindered by your own problems and insecurities. Hence, this is not the best day to take on a new project or a new partner. You are liable to be wrong in your judgment today. So, basing your future activities on this may not be fruitful. Try for some relaxation today.

It’s time for you to push the limits of your cell phone’s battery life once again! There must be someone out there you need to catch up with. If it’s an old pal and it’s your turn to call, do it now — or even if it’s not your turn. If it’s a new love or an ex, forget about taking turns. You miss them, and that’s all you need to know. It doesn’t matter who makes the first move!


Certain crucial planets are lining up in such a way that you will be presented with a rare opportunity to heal and make amends. You would be able to confess to some wrong that you have done in the past and will be able to atone for it. In doing so, you will be able to remove a great burden from your soul.

Life is full of odd coincidences today, especially in your social life. When you cross paths with some stranger you’re sure you’ve known for years, maybe someone who lives on the other side of the city or country, don’t be too shocked to learn you already know plenty about each other. If you happen to be single, this could be more than just a coincidence!


Today is a great day to be adventurous. The lady luck smiles on your fortune and whatever you do, you simply canメt do it wrong. If you wish to invest, this is a good time to do it. Expect to meet the true love of your life around the corner. Be cautious about your health though, you are prone to the eternal cough and cold attacks.

Though you’ve lightened up your life quite a bit, you’re still not really feeling like telling tall tales. When someone at work or in the hood starts feeding you all kinds of ridiculous stories, you aren’t patient with them. If they start to deflect attention from themselves by asking pointed questions about you, it’s almost laughable. You perfected that technique ages ago!


Link up all the fragments of thoughts and the resultant output will make it a lot easier for you to get rid of certain tricky situations. Do not allow yourself to get stuck up with things you do not believe in! Just chuck them and move on! Although beating around the bush is not your best attribute but you have to do it at times!

Excess is pretty close to the top of your list of guilty pleasures, and with good reason. Right alongside it, you’ve placed a preference for the lavish and an urge to overdo almost everything just a wee bit. Enjoy the ride today, as excess is auspicious and you should find it working out well for you. It’s what you do best!


You are liable to be in a rather emotional mood today. Small things can trigger a melancholy or you may recall a happier time. You may call up somebody or try to get in touch with an old friend. You may also think of forgetting old grudges and extending olive branch in order to arrive at a satisfactory solution to your current problem.

You are fully entitled to one guiltless, responsibility-free week (or month, really, but that’s not realistic). Start tonight, and enjoy yourself thoroughly — even that means you really have to work at it! You know that working hard to have fun is no oxymoron. If you feel a bit lost, don’t sweat it. In fact, put those maps away, at least for the time being. After all, why hire a tour guide when you’re enjoying the search?


Enjoy communication and even a day trip with an old friend and family. You should stick to those methods in your work which have proved to be beneficial in the past. It is better not to start any new experimental things today. If you are trying to get a job or a project, stick to conventional methods and sell your ideas and abilities strongly and success will surely be yours.

You’re typically a party animal, completely unable to keep your mouth shut, and always game for pretty much anything. The good news is that even though you often have trouble finding folks to join you, you should have no trouble whatsoever with that right now. You may end up ditching any parties and reducing the guest list to just you and a plus-one, but that’s not such a bad thing, either.


Today, you will be in an adjusting mood. Your willingness to meet people half way and arrive at a compromise through reasonable discussion is going to endear yourself to one and all. You will be able to resolve any situation quickly. You are also concerned with beautifying your person and your surroundings as well as making sure that every occasion goes off without any hitch.

An older, wiser friend or relative is eager to help you out of today’s troubles, and regardless of how conflicted you may feel about accepting their help, let them take care of you this time. You’ve certainly earned it the assistance, as they tell you, and it’s definitely your turn to be spoiled rotten, so grit your teeth and let them take care of you.


News about financial gain may make you and your loved ones happy. There is a sense that things are positively turning around. You are pleasingly presentable. Go out and meet people. New opportunities will sprout from your associations which will prove beneficial in the long run. You may bring a change in your house either structurally or family wise.

Stop glaring at those people across the way! That boss you’ve been thinking secretly hates you and constantly gives you a hard time is most likely totally innocent. You might not like hearing it, but it’s true — this time, anyway. For now, ponder what anyone could possibly gain by harassing someone with limitless energy — and who’s always willing to go beyond their previous efforts.


You may be cracking one of the biggest joint venture deals today. But you must mention explicitly once again your mission and goals to your partner. If altercations arise then you may be driven by impulses and this is what you need to keep in check. You may devote the end of the day towards your intellectual pursuits or in perusal of an artistic passion.

If you’ve been dreaming of foreign travel, you need to wake up and start to take direct action. It’s the perfect day to research your various travel options. Jump online and find the perfect place at the perfect price. Even though your situation isn’t exactly right just now, it never will be — and planning anything should prepare you for any obstacles.


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